Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Online Shopping Mashup

After making several cool enhancements to the site, I thought I'd mention my new online shopping mashup OrderItOnTheWeb.com. It's a mix of Amazon Web Services, Yahoo! Web Services, Yahoo! Pipes and Google Maps Api. All of the data gets mixed and reorganized with a little ajax, php and some help from my good friends at mint graphics.

This site will be great for those people who want to not only order online, but find the items they are interested, in a local store near them, how cool is that. Anyway, the site is still in being developed on an ongoing basis. I'd appreciate any feedback you'd like to leave about the site, it's really help out.

If you want to follow the progress of the site, you can always check back here on my tech blog, or just go to the OrderItOnTheWeb.com Blog. I'll post more later.