Thursday, May 17, 2018

British Minister Allegedly Involved In Online Prostitution Scandal

The UK Housing Ministry is investigating allegations that its ministers are conducting online prostitution deals on the 'Sugar Daddy' site, which has led to the risk of leaking state secrets. As quoted from The Guardian on Thursday (26/4/2018), one entertaining woman who ruled under the management of 'Sugar Daddy' boasted of knowing "everything" about the Minister of Housing, Dominic Raab, including what he did as a state official.

The woman twice met with a journalist masquerading as a wealthy businessman, including one performed at a five-star hotel, not far from the House of Commons. At the end of each meeting - according to related reports, the woman was paid 750 pounds sterling, or about Rp 14.5 million. The investigation comes as concerns arise that the prostitution scandal could pose a security risk. A spokesman for the Housing Ministry said they were aware of the allegations, and are looking into further investigations in the coming weeks. The site 'Sugar Daddy' itself has sparked pros and cons in Western Europe, for triggering the practice of covert prostitution via online. It is said that some persona - the title of women who peddle there - some come from minors, and by some allegedly involving a network of child trafficking.

Although it ensures the confidentiality of its users, it appears that some public figures are involved as 'consumers' on the prostitution site. So far, Minister Dominic Raab has not made any confirmation regarding the allegations addressed to him.

Prostitution Is a Form of Torture on Women

Meanwhile, in an occasion in mid-March, Pope Francis called a man who used prostitution as a criminal. He said the perpetrators are mentally ill because they think women are there for exploitation. "(prostitution) is not sex, it hurts women, do not twist its meaning," explains the Argentine-born Pope, as quoted by ABC News. The condemnation of the issue of prostitution was delivered by Pope Francis while attending a hearing session with 300 young people in the Vatican.

The intimate session was intended as a forum for church leaders, in hearing the complaints of young people about the Catholic Church. The meeting is also a preparation for a major archbishop synod to be held in October, aimed at helping young people find their vocation. "Young people should be taken seriously," Pope Francis insisted.

Prostitution became one of the strongest issues discussed in the meeting, as the Vatican has received quite a number of reports on related practices related to trafficking. The latest UN Women report - published in 2007 - shows that the number of veiled prostitution cases has risen by more than 48 percent since the 1980s.

Africa, Southeast Asia and Central America are the three most vulnerable areas of related cases, which are usually closely linked to the issue of trafficking.

Sex and Prostitution in the Flight Industry

A flight attendant from one of the British airlines, who did not want to reveal her identity, claimed that 'life in the air', kept many forbidden secrets. One of them is about wild sex life. He first joined the airline with the goal of "to travel the world, meet new people, and get paid handsomely."

Now, 15 years later, he claims that he has seen and heard all about the veiled practices of the cabin crew. He also revealed that two girls, in the past year, made money through sex with first-class passengers and business class. Quoted from Fox News on Sunday (13/05/2018), he said there was a flight attendant who was caught trying to turn the prostitution business in the aviation world.

"He was only fired because he changed the function of the hotel room to receive outside guests, but his covert practice was not caught at all, while another flight attendant who flew to Los Angeles, had a 'small business' that made people come to the room her hotel, then have sex with her, "said the anonymous flight attendant.

According to him, they (the stewardess) meet rich people, where money is like nothing and willing to pay for sex services at any price. Also, some pilots often have sex with a stewardess in a temporary rest room, located in the back of the cockpit. He also revealed: "At 747, the pilot has a folding mattress behind the cockpit, which is sometimes used to dabble with a flight attendant."

"The cabin crew let him (the pilot) and the girl he dated, alone in the corner of the mattress, but I'm sure, when the room is rocking, it's not turbulence," explained the anonymous steward. The anonymous source above also revealed that it is very common for pilots to date a flight attendant, especially those younger, and just join the aviation world.

According to her, girls sometimes stupidly believe and naively that they are something special. In fact, the majority of pilots have wives and families at home. "One story I heard was a pilot who had a wife at home, was found to have impregnated a stewardess, and then married her in secret, now living between two different houses," the anonymous source said.

In addition to immoral actions 'on the clouds', many circulated also rumors about the habits of several pilots doing sex party while staying at hotels in foreign countries that he stopped. The anonymous source claimed: "Aircraft crews under the age of 21, can not carelessly go out for fun, so many of them choose 'parties' in the room."

"This is where the pilot usually will play naughty with the flight attendant, and even some of them dare to blatantly threesome meal." Long-haul destinations from Europe, such as to Asian and Latin American countries, are also referred to as opportunities for unscrupulous crew to do wild things.

"They believe it will remain a secret, especially if the number of stops in destinations can be longer than two days, and that can be satisfactory," he explained.

President of the United States Donal Trump Say Happy Ramadhan 2018

US President Donald Trump congratulates Ramadan in 2018, and wishes the best for US Muslims and the entire worshiping world.

"I congratulate and pray the best for all Muslims who carry out Ramadan in the United Serikan and the corners of the world" said Donald Trump in a statement written as quoted from the page online US Embassy in Indonesia, Wednesday (16/05/2018). "Melania and I look forward to this blessed month, Ramadan Mubarak" continued Donald Trump.

He also added that "Those who carry out Ramadan can strengthen the community and help those in need.A good example of how to live a holy life"

Donald Trump also reminded that Muslims who carry out Ramadan in the United States will get full discretion and respect and are protected by the US Constitution which recognizes religious freedom.

"Ramadan is a period of self-reflection intended to deepen one's spiritual growth and renew a sense of appreciation for the many blessings that god provides" he added