Sunday, December 9, 2007

Improving The Shopping Experience

Recently has been on a mission to improve it's overall offering by adding an e-commerce blog to keep shoppers current with the site's activities, as well as a new shopping forum to make shopping social again.

This holiday shopping season has seen a sharp rise in traffic and sales. I believe that the various efforts to improve the site quality for the visitors has made a significant impact, or at least Google has noticed.

Site traffic jumped upward tremendously after the cyber monday shopping rush strangely enough. The best part about it, is that it's non-paid traffic from the search engines. The increase in traffic has been consistent for at least the last 8 days, with hopefully many, many more to follow. I guess the big question I'm facing right now, is "will the traffic actually last".

During the last major Google update, web from a pr3 straight to pr5 skipping 4 altogether. I've never seen that before, so it was quite shocking and obviously I was elated by the fact my site's ranking was going up. Not so much because the extra green in my toolbar, but because hopefully it will mean a better and deeper indexing of my site.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Paraprofessional Position at MINITEX

Open position in the University of Minnesota Libraries, Minneapolis campus:

Library Assistant II (Job Code 4996) in MINITEX

Full Time Position

Requisition No.: 152097
Date Posted: December 4, 2007
Priority Ends: December 10, 2007